Catch up on what fellow alumni are up to in this issue of Class Notes, like this group of members of the Assumption Prep Class of 1953 and their spouses, who celebrated their 65th high school reunion together.
Catch up on what fellow alumni are up to in this issue of Class Notes, like this group of members of the Assumption Prep Class of 1953 and their spouses, who celebrated their 65th high school reunion together.
Meet Patrick Corrigan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of Assumption’s Rome Program.
From September 6-12, Assumption held the first-ever Founders Week, A weeklong observance and celebration of the mission of the Augustinians of Assumption who founded and sponsor the institution. The week features numerous events providing an opportunity for community-wide reflection on the impact of the Assumptionists in Worcester and abroad.
Following a nationwide search, President Francesco Cesareo appointed Robert Mirabile as vice president of Enrollment Management. He spent four years at Beloit College as the vice president of enrollment, where he amassed a number of impressive accomplishments and a year after he began at Beloit, the largest first-year class was welcomed.